Sites and Options

Finding the Best Solution

Throughout this process multiple sites and site options have been explored, vetted, and validated for the middle school. There are currently two sites that have proven to be the best solutions for the district and the community. Those sites are the existing middle school site and the Westview property.

In addition, the high school entry is being explored for safety and security upgrades along with opportunities for community spaces and facilities.


  • Central location that is easily walkable/bikeable

  • Space for greenspace / playground

  • Space for additional on-site parking

  • Room for growth but would reduce playground size

  • Historic character


  • Site constraints (not much room for growth)

  • No space for football / soccer / baseball on-site

  • Limited space for off-street parking

  • Pick-up / drop-off constraints (parent and bus)

  • Cost of full renovation (unknowns with mechanical, electrical, plumbing, structural, etc.)

  • Will need to coordinate classes during construction (may displace)

  • Inequitable classroom sizes and less opportunity for specialized areas suited for specific needs (working within existing conditions and site constraints)

Existing Site


  • Large site (room to grow, space for fields, etc.)

  • Site near river / great views / unique opportunities for outdoor learning

  • Close to town (pedestrian and biker friendly)

  • Space for pick-up / drop-off circulation (parent and bus)

  • Potential extension of park and river pathways as a community asset with a new school

  • Keeps a school on the west side of Hamilton

  • Built-in opportunities for future growth

  • Equitable classrooms and specialized areas suited for specific needs


  • Would share with or displace Bitterroot College

  • Would need to relocate maintenance buildings (added cost)

  • Would need to relocate practice track and field (added cost)

Westview Site


  • Administration wing located along the east-west axis

  • I-Stand and Student Services suite adjacent across the hall with CSCT and Quiet room located with SPED

  • Staff / Club room centrally located with Commons

  • Six classrooms with adjacent flex space located along the western edge

  • Classrooms all have better daylight access


  • Limited to building along the west facade

  • Special consideration needed for acoustics between the Weight Room and classrooms

High School